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Hamidi VALDET - painter artist

An Albanian from Kosovo born in 1946, Hamidi Valdet studied painting in Peje in ex-Yougoslavia, then at The Royal Academy of Fine Art in London followed by The Royal Academy of Fine Art in Brussels.

The figurative work of Hamidi Valdet is stamped with a colorfull lyricisme, his handling of the figure sometimes evanescent. His paintings express a certain magic and oscillate between dream images and those of reality.

The artist aspires o a pictural unreality which is nevertheless endowed with powerfull memories of his past. This allows him to confront his anguishes and also to transcend them in his paintings which carry within them a sense of hope.

Painting provides another life in a place where the lane of the land no longer exists and where the only thing of any real value is the thinking being. His vivid and colourfull style varies, in a certain mesure, from one canvas to another, depending on the subject he confronts: they either convey lightheartedness with light, fading colours or are more sombre where he uses increasing density of medium.

With him, light reveals and is used to emphasise a precise point in the painting. It is not diffuse as sometimes used by other painters, but contributes to dramatise his compositions. Hamidi Valdet seems to personify this search for the light both in his life and in his art.

(Texte tiré du livre "quinze ans de peinture contemporaine vue par Dominique Stal"


De 1960 � 1965: Ecole de peinture d'apr�s nature � Peje (Kosovo).
De 1965 � 1967: Enseignant en dessin dans une �cole primaire � Peje.
De 1967 � 1969: Cours de th�atre, de cin�ma et de t�l�vision � Prishtina.
De 1970 � 1972: Acad�mie des Beaux Arts � Londres.
De 1972 � 1974: Diplom� de l'Acad�mie Royale des Beaux Arts � Bruxelles.
De 1975 � 1979: De nombreuses expositions collectives ainsi que des voyages au Canada, au Mexique et en Am�rique Latine.

Expositions personnelles

De 1979 � 1981:

A Bruxelles, diff�rentes expositions dans les galeries suivantes: AGORA; N; L'ANGLE AIGUE; L'OEIL...

En 1982:

En Allemagne: hommage � Rimbaud � Stuttgart puis exposition au Mus�e Rimbaud � Charleville-M�zi�res.

En 1983:

Installation � Paris. Exposition dans l'atelier de Levallois-Perret, � la galerie ARTE VIVA puis 67.

De 1985 � 1992:

Exposition � la galerie MONTI-CURI et galerie LAURENT TELLIER.
Exposition au salon d'automne du Grand-Palais, au centre Matisse � l'Unesco.
A l'Hotel de ville Groslot � Orl�ans, exposition patronn� par le ministre des transports, Jacques Dufiaque.

De 1992 � 1995:

Exposition au chateau du Marais (dans l'Essonne).
Exposition � Orly (a�roport).
Salon de la palette d'argent � Bruy�res-le-Chatel.

De 1996 � 2001

ART ENSEMBLE � Marcoussis.
Exposition au district de Limours.
Exposition � la galerie JUTTA � Paris.
Exposition au Mus�e de l'arm�e de l'air � Bruxelles.
Exposition � la GALERIE DE L'ETOILE � Paris 17�me.
Exposition collective � l'occasion de la sortie du livre: quinze ans de peinture contemporaine vue par Dominique Stal.

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Réalisation G.W. (v2)

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